Becoming a member

Becoming a member

Membership is open to Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA’s) – Designated Accountants with the legacy designations CA, CMA & CGA and the New CPA Program.

The annual individual membership fee for 2024-2025 is $360, and includes 8 meetings (from September until August). Pro-rated fees are available from January (5 meetings), February (4 meetings), and March (for 3 meetings).

As a member of the FVCPAA, each meeting attended is eligible to report 1 hour PD credit.

Other options:

  • Corporate Membership: Two persons from one organization can attend all meetings. Names and email addresses for both individuals are required when registering your membership at the beginning of the year.
  • Flexipass Membership: Up to five persons from one organization can attend all meetings. Attendees can be anyone from within the organization, names and email addresses are required when submitted our meeting RSVP form.
  • CPA Student Membership
  • Guest Fee is $65 per meeting (note that PD Certificates are issued annually in January for members only, not guests)
  • Students Guest Fee is $30 per meeting